X-ScaleSolutions announces MVAPICH2-DPU MPI library v2024.04

X-ScaleSolutions is pleased to announce the release of its MVAPICH2-DPU MPI library v2024.04 to accelerate scientific applications using the NVIDIA BlueField DPU technology.

This release of the MVAPICH2-DPU MPI library offloads non-blocking point-to-point operations in addition to multiple non-blocking collective operations.  Offloading dense communication operations can provide significant benefits to the scientific applications running on HPC centers and Cloud environments. X-ScaleSolutions has demonstrated that the MVAPICH2-DPU is able to boost the performance of Alltoall by 87% and P3DFFT application by up to 24%. Similar boost in performance can also be harnessed by other non-blocking collectives and associated applications using these collectives.

A complete set of features of MVAPICH2-DPU v2023.04 release are as follows:

  • Based on MVAPICH2 2.3.7, conforming to the MPI 3.1 standard
  • Supports all features available with the MVAPICH2 2.3.7 release
  • Novel frameworks to offload nonblocking collectives to DPU
  • Offloads nonblocking Alltoall (MPI_Ialltoall) to DPU
  • Offloads nonblocking Alltoallv (MPI_Ialltoallv) to DPU
  • Offloads nonblocking broadcast (MPI_Ibcast)
  • Offloads blocking send and receive (MPI_Send, MPI_Recv)
  • Offloads noblocking send and receive (MPI_Isend, MPI_Irecv)
  • Supports sub-communicator non-blocking collective offloading
  • Supports multiple outstanding non-blocking collective operations per MPI rank offloading
  • Optimized support for both Intel CPU-based and AMD CPU-based clusters with DPUs, respectively 
  • Up to 99% overlap of communication and computation with non-blocking collectives 
  • Accelerates scientific applications using any mix of MPI_Ialltoall, MPI_Ialltoallv, MPI_Ibcast, MPI_Isend, MPI_Irecv nonblocking collective and point-to-point communications

More details on this product and performance benefits are available here.

For a trial license for the MVAPICH2-DPU library and how to modify your HPC and AI applications to take advantage of the MVAPICH2-DPU library, please contact X-ScaleSolutions at contactus@x-scalesolutions.com.

About X-ScaleSoutions
X-ScaleSolutions specializes in a range of high-performance and scalable solutions for current-generation systems ranging from small deployments to multi-petaflop systems and the emerging Exascale systems. The mission of the company is to develop innovative and leading-edge software products, with a focus on four areas: 1) High-Performance Computing, 2) AI, 3) Big Data, and 4) Cloud Computing. To learn more about X-ScaleSolutions’ products and services, please visit www.x-scalesolutions.com.

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